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What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is a medical term to describe the inability for a man to have and keep an erection that is maintained long enough to perform sexual intercourse. 

When not acted on appropriately, erectile dysfunction can lead to further stress, embarrassment, and relationship issues that can initiate a chain reaction of furthering the condition. 

 It is extremely important to realize that ED is common within men, and there are many strategies that lead to a ehanced sex life; including over the counter and presided ED medications, as well as lifestyle changes. 

 So instead of letting erectile dysfunction bring you down, simply initiate the correct steps to instead bring you, or more importantly ‘it’, right back up.

How to tell if you Have Erectile Dysfunction


 The occasional difficulty of maintaining an erection is common, as temporary ED can be a result of increased stress triggers within life, moments of heightened anxiety, and similar life imbalances. These stressful situations can make it a challenge to relax in a sexual setting to allow the blood to properly flow to your penis for a proper erection. Having these troubles from time to time should not alarm you. 

 Should this be a common theme in your sex life, however, that happens quite often, then you may be suffering from Erectile dysfunction if you are frequently:

  • Having difficulty getting an erection 
  • Having trouble maintaining an erection throughout intercourse 
  • Your erections feel “soft”
  • You feel as though you do not have a sex drive 

You must take control over the situation and realize that there are plenty of viable and effective treatments for ED that will result in life changing positivity for yourself and your sex life. 

What Exactly Causes Erectile Dysfunction?

 Because sexual arousal is directly related to a very large array of life, body, and hormonal processes, the cause of ED can be difficult to pinpoint, and this is why it is great to see a doctor or to perform an online medical consultation for ED. 

ED is caused by physical health problems, physiological mental ailments, and other risk factors that affect your overall quality of life.

Some Physical Health Causes of ED:

  • Heart Disease 
  • Diabetes 
  • High blood pressure/cholesterol 
  • Insomnia & other sleep disorders 
  • Obesity 
  • Atherosclerosis

Some Physiological Causes of ED:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety 
  • Anger issues 
  • Depression

Some Risk Factors that Cause ED:

  • Smoking Tobacco 
  • Drinking Alcohol 
  • Certain Medications 
  • No exercise/unhealthy lifestyle

How to Treat Erectile Dysfunction

A Doctor’s Visit

The best way to go about treating erectile dysfunction starts with your primary doctor. Your doctor will help you to understand and determine the causes for your ED, and it is an important first step to go about treating ED to ensure that your cause is not from a more serious underlying health condition. 


Your doctor will then create a treatment plan that is best suited for you. They will point you in the right direction for an overall healthier life, they will treat the underlying conditions should there be one, and they will prescribe you with Erectile Dysfunction medications that we will further discuss below, such as viagra.

An Online Medical Consultation for ED

Telemedicine is becoming an extremely popular choice at addressing certain medical conditions. It is a safe way to speak to a doctor from the comfort of your own home. You will feel comfortable doing so, and this will help you to speak about your ED with confidence and confidentiality. 

 Just as well, an online consultation for erectile dysfunction will help you to stay safe from other viruses or ailments, especially in the times of a pandemic such as COVID-19, and can be a very valid way to have a doctor treat your ED.

 The telemedicine visit will include your doctor asking questions about your general health history and lifestyle, how your ED is affecting you, and what medications are best suited for your needs. Because there are both prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) erectile dysfunction medications, you do not want to go into choosing the right one alone. A simple online consultation can best help you to navigate the best ED medications.

Erectile Dysfunction Medications 

There are a number of medications that are aimed at treating erectile dysfunction by promoting stimulation and blood supply to the penis. Some can be purchased over the counter, while others are prescribed by an MD, but regardless of your ED medication choice:

Please NEVER take a ‘gas-station’ alternative. These are absolutely not a good alternative to definitive medication, and can instead lead to further adverse health effects on your sex life and body. 

Some of the main ED prescriptions include:

  • Viagra 
  • Cialis 
  • Levitra 

Of the three, viagra is often considered the most used and most effective ED prescription medication, so talk with your doctor to see if it is right for you. 



Have you ever asked yourself “Can I buy viagra over the counter?” or “Where can I buy Viagra?”.

 The answer is both a yes and no, and differs depending on your location. 

 In the United Kingdom, a type of Viagra called ‘Viagra Connect’ has become available for OTC purchase in dosages of 50 milligrams of sildenafil. 

In order to receive Viagra Connect over the counter in the UK, you must be over 18 years old and complete a consultation with your pharmacist so that they can determine if your symptoms are deemed necessary to provide you with the medication. Once the consultation is completed, you can buy viagra at your dedicated pharmacy.  

In the United States, however, simply googling where to buy viagra or other ED medications will not lead you into a store of which you can buy them OTC. Viagra requires a prescription from your doctor first, either in person or through an online consultation, and then you will be able to purchase it from your local pharmacy after they prescribe it to you.

Age Eligibility to take Viagra 


Erectile dysfunction affects men of all ages and walks of life. Although more common in the elderly, ED is absolutely a recurrent theme in younger adults. Viagra is an extremely safe and effective medication, but how old do you have to be to take it? And what age is considered too young for viagra?

Generally, even when prescribed by a doctor, Viagra must be given to an adult over 18 years of age. People who suffer from ED are often in their twenties or thirties, and have found viagra to be an excellent treatment for their Erectile Dysfunction. There is no such thing as treating ED too early, so if you are suffering from some of the symptoms despite your age, consult your doctor for advice.

Over the Counter Substitutes for Viagra 

If you are seeking an OTC alternative to viagra, there are many valid options that you can buy in places such as Walgreens, CVS, or other local pharmacies. 

Although it is better to consult a doctor, especially if your ED is caused by an underlying health concern, you can still take it upon yourself to find over the counter treatment options for erectile dysfunction. These OTC viagra substitutes usually use the power of vitamins and supplements to enhance your sex life. 

Some excellent OTC ED treatments include:

  1. Extenze “Original Formula Male Sexual Enhancement”
  2. VirMAX “Maximum Male Enhancement Dietary Supplement Tablets”
  3. DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) supplement 
  4. Swiss Navy Size Male Enhancement supplement 
  5. Zyrexin “Sexual Enhancer Dietary Supplements

Other Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction 

Even if you are prescribed Viagra or another ED prescription, there are many lifestyle changes and choices that you can implement to further improve your erectile dysfunction. Your overall health plays an extremely important role in this, so do everything you can to lead to a healthier lifestyle.

Diet and Exercise 

If you are eating a lot of processed foods with lots of calories and little to no actual nutrition, try switching your diet to eating a lot of home made meals featuring vegetables packed with the vitamins that directly influence your sex drive and health. 

Exercise is an amazing way of enhancing your self image, which often plays a large role in affecting ED, and will boost your testosterone levels for a more invigorating sex life. As well as this, exercise is proven to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression; all of which are causes of erectile dysfunction.

Herbal Supplements  

Herbs are a great method to naturally help your ED symptoms. They target multiple body and hormonal functions and strengthen them, resulting in an overall healthier body and life that will reduce ED. Some excellent herbal treatments for ED include:

  • Red Ginseng 
  • Maca
  • Rhodiola Rosea 
  • L-arginine 

Overall, the best methods for treating erectile dysfunction include utilizing doctor prescribed medication for ED while also changing your lifestyle to enhance your health. By exercising, changing your diet, drinking & smoking less, you will lead yourself to a much happier and healthier life both in and out of the bedroom.